Hanover Knot – thick and elegant


The Hanover Knot is tied in eight movements. Contrary to appearances, it is not difficult, because it is closely related to the oriental knot - you just wrap the wide end of the tie many more times around the narrow.

Symmetry and momentum

According to its creators, Finka and Mao, in the final phase the Hanover knot should be “symmetrical and triangular”. But all symmetry and elegance will not change the fact, that because of the eight folding, the knot quickly becomes quite monstrous even with ties made of thin fabrics.

She works

It is difficult to generalize head shapes or face types, however, some knots accentuate a round or long face, others hide some shortcomings optically. But be careful: microscopic oriental knot from a thin silk tie will draw even more attention to the contrast between the knot and the round face!


As for the Balthus and Grantchester nodes, you should leave the narrow end of the tie very short, so that the finished tie has the correct length. Hanover, just like the nodes mentioned above, it is an elegant substitute for the Windsor knot for shorter men.

Binding method


In a few words

  • inverted
  • symmetrical
  • for thin fabrics
  • fat
  • triangular, elegant
  • easily comes out too big
  • Windsor replacement for shorter men
  • it does not resolve itself


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