The first impression is formed within the first few seconds of meeting the other person. In this short period of time, we form an opinion about our interlocutor based on factors such as: look, body language, attitude, behavior and dress.
The first impression is very important and it is very difficult to reverse it later. It is the first impression that sets the tone for the further account.
It is worth knowing how to create a good first impression, that's why we collected 4 points to focus on, so that the first impression is as positive as possible.
If we were late for a certain meeting, we could create a first impression (and it's negative) before the interlocutor sees us with his eyes, therefore, it is worth planning your arrival a little earlier to the appointment, taking into account such situations as traffic jams or knowledge of the place where it will take place.
The first thing your interlocutor will see is your physical appearance and the way you dress. The key here is to dress appropriately for the occasion, therefore, it is worth considering how to dress in a given situation, taking into account also how the person you are meeting or the traditions of the country you are in can be dressed, and the culture to which that person belongs.
Body language
When it comes to first impressions, body language can reveal more than the words you say. Be confident, erect, keep eye contact.
A smile is very important. It may even be a small smile, but it is important that it is natural and warm. Too wide a smile glued to the face will be seen more as masking nervousness or even arrogance.
Almost everyone gets a little nervous, when they meet someone for the first time, that's why you should be aware of your stressful habits, like for example. biting your nails to keep them in check.
Authenticity and positive attitude
Making a good impression doesn't mean you have to force yourself to please or pretend to be someone you are not. Being truly yourself will make you feel confident and it will help you build the trust of your interlocutor.
Your attitude affects everything you do, so keep a positive attitude, even in case of criticism or nervousness.