The story of the tie – from scarves to Windsor

We discover the first forms of the tie in the tomb of the first Chinese emperor, Qin Shih-huang-di living in 259-221 p.n.e. It was the imperial army of seven and a half thousand terracotta soldiers who wore scarves, which with their binding resembled a simple knot. …

Classic bow tie binding

A classic bow tie is best suited for formal occasions, for tailcoat or tuxedo. Perfect for the biggest celebrations. We wear a black or white bow tie for the most elegant outfits.

Thanks to the technique of tying a classic bow tie, the ribbon acquires a narrow waist, co czyni ją eleganckim dodatkiem do stroju …

A simple bow tie tie

The bow tie as a neck ornament was born during the Regency period. Initially, quite large flies were tied. Gradually, until the 19th century, it was diminishing in size. Until our times, two of its varieties have remained in fashion. Zwykła mucha to idealna ozdoba dla mężczyzn …

Tips for tying a bow tie

Here are some tips for a successful bow tie. bow tie4

Pick up the right one (or the left hand, if you are left-handed) leg. The bow tie has a small metal hook to adjust the length. Make it longer, tie it around the leg first! (Make your movements accurately) Tie the bow tie like this, …

Rules for the selection of a bow tie

  • bow tie3Most notably, the bow tie goes well with a tuxedo shirt with a stand-up collar with raised corners.
  • You can also combine the bow tie with a traditional Kent collar, preferably using a simple bonding technique, because a classic bow tie is more suitable for a collar with raised horns.

Material, bow tie patterns and colors

bow tie2Whether as a trendy accent, or as a replacement for a tie or a modest addition to an evening outfit - bow ties also differ in design, the quality of the material, size and should be appropriate to the person and occasion.

The daytime bow tie should be made of printed soft silk. W …

The story of the bow tie

The principles of early Victorian fashion limited the possibility of wearing a large and elaborately knotted tie, because they ordered jackets to be fastened high up around the neck. An increasing number of tie-wearing gentlemen claimed, że nie mogą poświęcać długiego czasu na wiązanie krawata i w związku z tym potrzebują …